
Last week, after I got off work, I loaded up the kids and headed out to the mall to look for some new shoes and jeans. Usually this would be a fun experience, but we have NO good shoe shopping in this town. It’s pretty sad, really. After several stores and dinner, we headed to Old Navy. The thing about Old Navy is that even though I love their jeans, I have to try on every single pair in my size to find the perfect pair. No pair of jeans is the same.

Needless to say, we were out for several hours. As we were leaving Old Navy, I picked Honor up and noticed that his pants were wet. “I spilled water.” he told me. Um, yeah, no water in sight. Thats when I realized that he had had real underwear on the whole time. Over 3 hours he went without an accident.

I called my sister to ask her to let me know next time he’s not wearing a pullup and that’s when I found out: He always wears real underwear for her and he never has an accident. He always sits on the potty. He even goes without being told.

So, yeah, when it comes to potty training, it’s just me he hates.

Category: Honor 8 comments »

8 Responses to “punk”

  1. Alicia

    My sister had the same problem with all three of her kids–they’d use the potty for everyone else, but not for her.

    I know what you mean about the Old Navy jeans–frustrating isn’t it? It would be nice to go to the shelf, pick out a pair and leave the store instead of having to try on 1,327,573 pairs before buying one.

  2. Nancy

    It’s actually good news – it’s just hard to deal with. One of my children’s teachers explained it to me this way: They are confident of your love, they know it’s unconditional. They know they can act up and you will still love them, no matter what. Everyone else they aren’t so sure about, so they tend to be on their best behavior, because they want everyone else to like them. It says you have confident kiddos who are secure in your love, and that they understand they need to be nice and polite in the rest of the world to get along with others – all good things. Just why does it have to be so hard for us to deal with in the meantime?

    BTW, my kiddos are now 22 and 24 (that’s years, not months). They are both extraordinary people, and they even treat me nice now most of the time ;-) Hang in there, dear, you’re doing a good job, and I’m proof that you’ll survive it.

  3. loo

    I love what Nancy wrote…but yeah, I get your frustration!

    Maybe just let him know that you are proud of how he wears his underwear at his aunts house and not even push the subject at home? I have no idea, I’m a horrible potty-teacher.

  4. angela

    interesting! Being around my mom always makes me feel vulnerable as a baby… perhaps he feels like your baby too.

  5. Kari

    I wouldn’t take it personally, he’s just comfortable with you, it’s good he knows you love him unconditionally. Someday he’ll really understand it. =)

    Have you checked out Head Over Heels? It’s a new shoe store by Pier 1…I haven’t made it there yet…maybe when the big one gets back in school…

  6. sarahgrace

    Oh, that so funny- I was just about to tell you about “Head Over Heels” then I saw Kari’s comment…hee hee hee.

  7. Elaine

    Such a punk! I love when they pull this stuff. For instance, Lily will take a nap at my moms house without a single protest. Here? It’s like pulling teeth!

    Our kids… grrrr.

  8. KB

    Did you find cute jeans? Do they run small or big? So you’re saying the shape is different or the size from pair to pair? I need a new jeans. I’ll check Old Navy. For shoes I almost always shop Zappos.com free shipping, best customer service ever.

    As for Honor just keep on going he’ll get it soon. He’s not yet 3 so as far as I’m concerned you’re still ahead of the game. So many people are waiting till their kids are 3-4 these days.

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