
It just occurred to me that it’s candy making season! I love candy. I’ve been so busy with the store that it’s finally sinking in: it’s December, there’s snow on the ground and Hanukkah starts in 10 days.

And it also just occurred to me how much I LOVE pecan brittle. I always forget about this, so when December rolls around it’s like I’m falling in love with it all over again.

Every year my mom promises me we’ll make Divinity and rarely do we end up doing it. I’m making Divinity this year, damnit! I don’t care if I have to ruin make it myself. (For some reason, Divinity is my one candy-making mental block.)

What candy will you make? What candy do you wish someone else would make for you?

I’ll leave you with the link to my pecan brittle recipe and some pictures of Eden looking at the new snowfall in anticipation.

snow day

snow day

Category: daily 9 comments »

9 Responses to “su-gar!!!”

  1. LeAnne

    Oh my God, she’s so cute all up in here little scarf, hat and mittens.

  2. Brianne

    I don’t make candy, I eat it. And all I want is fudge.

  3. Jill

    I make divinity every year. When it doesn’t seem like it’s the right consitency, try sitting outside and mixing it in the cold air. Believe it or not it really works.

    And I wish Allie would make me some of her yummy brittle – ha ha!

  4. fuzzypeach

    Mmmmmmm, I’m excited about candymaking too. I’ll make fudge and toffee as gifts for sure, and maybe some pecan brittle too, thanks for the recipe!

  5. georgia

    the only candy i’ll be making this year is eye candy ;) i am soooo busy with orders. that’s a good thing, right?

  6. Merededeux

    I laughed at that picture. She’s ready to go, isn’t she? I love candy but I suck at making it. We make tons of cookies during the winter instead.

  7. merp

    I wish I knew how to make candy! I’m an exclusive cookie and cupcake baker, because I feel candy making would result in a trip to the hospital.

    p.s Eden is such a little cutie!

  8. sarahgrace

    Yum, Divinity- Can you believe I’d never heard of it until I met Kev’s grandparents? I wiss missing out all those years! I’m making cookies this year, and that’s all I know. But maybe we could try making divinity together? That’s one I’d definitely like to try : )

  9. erin

    I have tried twice now to make Seafoam. Both times have been sticky disasters. I need to find someone who knows what they are doing, or just stick to Carmel, which works every time.

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