saving these links for later

Super Cute Cabled Bag

Twinkletoes from the new Knitty

Still deciding if Glampyre’s new pattern will make me look preggo. I carry the yarn in the store. hmmm…

I’ll possibly add more later…

Category: knitting 4 comments »

4 Responses to “saving these links for later”

  1. Merededeux

    Well, to tell the truth, the first picture of the model with the red sweater sitting looks a bit pregnant. Standing, she doesn’t.

  2. Wendy

    OOh, a new Knitty!

    I uh, don’t really like that Glam pattern, think it’s very schlumpy.

  3. Jill

    As for the glam I think it would make you look preggo since that seems to be big style right now in maternity – I say negative unless you’re sporting a new bebe’ to go with it – wink wink.

  4. Miracles Happen

    Oh the funny thing is that I am prego and wearing a very similar cut knit sweater. it’s the only sweater I have at this time that will actually button – having only one button does make that task easier to accomplish! :o)

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