Peaches, yum yum
I’m eating peaches and cream. I just thought I would take this opportunity to gloat. There are such great benefits to living right next to Colorado’s peach country. So let me tell you again. I’m eating peaches and cream.

Another thing I’d like to talk about is Walmart. I was there last night. I have to say that I’m quite offended. When ever someone insults my ability as a mother, I get pretty offended.
The wonderful greeter lady gave us a cart and as Jen was strapping Honor in and I was lifting Eden into the back, she asked if we’d like another cart for Eden to sit in. I politely told her no thank you. She proceded to tell me that according to the little flap in the front of the cart that kids shouldn’t sit in the back of the cart. I told her no thank you. She asked me TWICE more if I wanted another cart, each time I told her no thank you. Really Jim would be proud, I was nice the whole time.
But seriously, it’s not like I travel through Walmart with my children hanging upside down out of the basket like monkeys. Eden always has to sit down on her bottom and if she doesn’t I stop the cart and make her do it. Honor is always strapped in.
I hate being made to feel like I suck as a mother. Really. But at least I have peaches.
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