
Honor has been really giving me a lot of trouble lately, and just me, he’s fine for Jim and everyone else. I’m not quite sure what to do with him and I’m totally open to any suggestion, as remote as it may be. I’m pretty desperate right now and I continue to be awestruck at my child’s ability to never fail to make me look like a fool.


Category: Honor 10 comments »

10 Responses to “help”

  1. Allisone

    Stuff him down the toilet :)

  2. Elaine

    duct tape

  3. Sarah

    Put him in a pickle barrel and cork the hole. You can let him out when he’s 16, or 18 if he won’t listen to reason until then.

    I have no real advice, but I will say that the Man-Cub is very close to Honor’s age and really seems to be pushing the limits, too. Seriously–he’s acting like he’s never acted before. He’s making me blinkin’ crazy. What’s changed? Well, from what I can tell he simply turned three and from what I hear the first half of the third year is a challenge (but not always as bad as it is right now). Keep doing what you’re doing: being consistent and fair and firm. He’ll settle down again eventually. He’s just pushing those boundaries now that he’s developing new skills. Hang in there. I’m sure you’re doing fine, just mix a mojito and dig in.

  4. fuzzypeach

    Bwhaha, no advice, but I had to laugh at the first comment. So appropriate.

    Hang in there?

  5. Merededeux

    May not help you much, but I’ll tell you what I heard about children who only act up around one or both of their parents. He acts out because he feels such a level of comfort with you and knows that no matter what he does, you’ll love him anyway. Ironically enough, it’s a sign of great parenting. I think also he’s getting to be the age where he’s understanding a lot more but still can’t quite vocalize it like he wants to. Maybe suggest he put himself in a timeout when he’s acting up. Ask him neutrally if he needs to take a break and sit quietly for a bit. I agree to stand firm, mojito in hand and brace yourself!

  6. sarahgrace

    I wish I had some advice for you… I’m not sure why he doesn’t act out for me, but I’m sure glad he doesn’t! You must be doing something right.

  7. Jill

    Just keep at it, they all go through this stage at some point or another. You’re a good mom – don’t be too hard on yourself. And when all else fails bribe and threaten him prior to going into public and then follow through.

  8. Dawn

    Be consistant. I believe it’s probably a stage.

  9. Leann

    I’ve always been told that is a sign of good parenting if your kids act out with you, but are good with other people. I know it must be extremely frustrating in the process! He will make you a better person for it. ♥

  10. Sadie Rose

    That comment from Leann is good to hear… I have a little boy, as well… and I feel the same way a lot. I am at the point now where I won’t take him to a restaurant because I’d rather not go than spend my time chasing him around and fighting his flailing little legs. But then, when my friends/family or his dad watches him, he’s like a little restaurant angel. ????

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