
I have so much to write about and no time! My time has been consumed with Tangle’s website and I’m happy to report after hours and hours of editing, shooting photos (still a work in progress), checking fiber content, etc.., that almost all the yarn I have in stock is up on the website. All the remaining product is forthcoming too! I can’t even begin to describe the amount of work, I’m just glad it’s almost done!

I have so much more to write about: my year in review, my improved mental health, changes we’re making in our lives, Eden’s Bible scholarly ways, a few finished knit projects… So until I find a spare moment, tell me about something great going on in your life?

Category: daily 9 comments »

9 Responses to “excuses”

  1. merp

    It sounds like you’re crazy busy, but happy! I can’t wait to hear your update and buy yarn at your store : )

    Me… I’m looking for a new job, and I finally learned turkish cast on, toe up, magic loop socks!! Plus, it’s the first time I’ve ever knitted socks, so I’m super proud of myself.

  2. merp

    p.s I’m using my beautiful yarn from your lovely sock kit; yarn pirate: earth and ocean!! Thanks :)

  3. Dawn

    We’re finally putting our house up for sale. Projects are getting completed and we’re drawing closer as a family even with the distance during the weekdays. :) Happy new year to you!

  4. Merededeux

    I have a new site through which to order yarn! That’s a good thing going on in my life.

  5. Nadia

    Dan and I got married a little more than 2 weeks ago and I am in the middle of my 4 weeks of winter break and I am blissing out and cleaning everything and I couldn’t be a happier newlywed!

  6. georgia

    hey, the website looks great. it’s really easy to navigate. good luck with that, and happy new year!

  7. Brooke

    Well… I finished 2 felted purses just in time for Christmas, I finished the cabled sweater which is still causing me frustration because of the shoulders, started a third felted purse, my cousin is coming in form PA Wednesday we are planning a multitude of wither activities, I finished my first class for my masters and got an A, I just started my second class for my masters, after several weeks of fussing Maddox cut his first tooth but is still fussy so there is another on the way, Madison turned 8 holly cow, she is old…no wait I’m old!, and I am counting down the days till my break is over boo hoo! It’s times like this that I just need to remember ONE thing… BREATHE

  8. LeAnne

    Something great that went on in my life over New Years is that I ran (!) a 5K at midnight in downtown Portland. I nearly cried as I crossed the finish line. I think it was a perfect way to ring in 2007, considering the major event in our family of 2006.

  9. linds (ponyjasper!)

    Your website is looking so awesome! I can’t wait to recover my bank account from the holidays and order some stuff.

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