Can you believe it? She got her first haircut.

better pics to come

Eden getting her first haircut

first haircut

Category: Eden, hair 7 comments »

7 Responses to “Can you believe it? She got her first haircut.”

  1. Jill

    Oh my goodness. CONGRATS ALLISON. I’m know how long you’ve been waiting for this LOL!

  2. drwengel

    Have you ever heard of loose anagen syndrome?
    I was thinking that it might explain Eden’s hair situation… I was diagnosed as a child, and now have full head of healthy long hair! At any rate, I thought you might find it interesting. I will go back to lurking now :)

  3. Melissa

    I randomly found your website and I love it. I just got done reading your about me page and I think you and your family are fabulous. I’m definitely bookmarking your site.

    Awww she is so cute!! Yay for first haircuts!

  4. Brooke

    Way to go EDEN!!! What a milestone!

  5. Brianne

    That’s so exciting! Congratulations to both of you.

  6. kelli

    Did you save her hair? :0)

  7. Kari

    How precious! And looks like a pretty chic place to get your hair cut. =)

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