sad day
Today Jim had to put his dog, Daisy, down. It was sort of sad, but something that we knew was coming. Then we had to tell the kids. They were surprisingly calm, Honor just made sure that Tucky was still ok and Eden asked if she was in Heaven and that was about that. Death is still such a weird thing for me to comprehend. It’s amazing that the kids can handle it so much better than us adults.
Here she is with Tuck.
So long Daisy.
Category: dog, ouch 3 comments »
September 22nd, 2007 at 8:03 am
I am sad. This is always such a hard thing. I know, it is a most natural part of life. I also know we learn through our gains and losses with pets. But, just because it is natural does not mean it isn’t hard.
September 22nd, 2007 at 8:33 am
Ouch, indeed. It’s never easy to lose a pet. My Maya (7yo) was just diagnosed with arthritis. It’s still mild and not giving her too much trouble but it’s the start of the end… at least if I choose to think of it as such. Sigh. So sorry for your loss. We’ll be thinking about you all and hugging our pooch extra tight!
September 22nd, 2007 at 10:53 am
I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. It’s hard to lose a pet you love. I’ll also be thinking of you guys.