a whole slew

So, I’ve managed to take photos of some of the things I’ve been working on lately. And here they are!

cozy pullover

The cozy v-neck pullover from Fitted Knits. If it weren’t for the yarn, it’d be much cozier. That llama in the Pastaza, it just pokes through all the layers! But I do love the sweater and I’m thinking I’d like to knit it out of the Blue Sky Alpaca’s worsted handdyes. It would be $$$ but wow, would it be nice.

honor's fingerless mittens

eden's fingerless mittens

Fingerless mittens for the kids. I didn’t use a pattern, but just figured my own based on the gauge. Honor’s are made out of some leftover louet gems worsted that I had (but we want to carry it at Tangle next fall) and Eden’s are made out of our new PJ’s yarn. It’s a poly fleece ribbon that is SUPER soft!

play room becomes office

Pics of the playroom turned office. It’s usually not quite as cluttered, but Jim had all his music equip and snowboard out from recent use. The floor is painted the same color as the dining room because we had A LOT of extra paint. (And I love the color.)

baby hat and sweater for new nephew

A baby hat and sweater that I made for our new nephew. I need to get it to him as I hear he’s packing on the pounds! Sweater is the Knitting Pure and simple baby pullover pattern #214 and the hat is a free pattern that you can download from tangle’s website.

dining room curtains

Curtains that I sewed for the dining room. If you happen to see similar fabric at Urban Outfitters in the bedspread dept, just don’t go making the connection…

new neckwarmer

And my new neckwarmer. This is handdyed yarn similar to Colinette Point 5. I knitted a lining (Christina’s idea) out of a super soft acrylic yarn – GGH esprit. I LOVE this neckwarmer.

Category: house, knitting 2 comments »

2 Responses to “a whole slew”

  1. kari

    WOW-you look absolutely beautiful in the neckwarmer pic! And great floor color…

  2. Heidi

    If you were any prettier Allison, i would have to stalk you!!! LOL JUST KIDDING – about the stalking part! :) Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. Is that Jims office? is he working out of your home again?

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