Fiesta Blevinza was a huge success. And I’m exhausted! On top of 50 people coming through my house, I stayed up until 2:30 am Sunday morning and yesterday I woke up sick. The kids and I came down with some kind of stomach bug, which luckily was very short lived; only about 12 hours.
But now we’re all recovering and I’m trying to get the house somewhat put back together. I’ve got one more load of dishes left to do, (I refuse to hand wash dishes, they can just sit on the counter and wait until the dishwasher is finished running) and then I have some very filthy floors to mop. And the play room!! WOW! Talk about war zone.
Since I was pretty busy last week, I thought I’d catch up on all the fiesta projects that I did. These are all the party favors I made:
Popcorn balls. I made two batches and that was more than enough for everyone.
Chocolate covered pretzel sticks. I used 2 containers of Bakers Dipping Chocolate, 4.5 bags of pretzel rods and 2 large containers of sprinkles.
Suckers. I made two batches, I think one would have been plenty.

Cotton candy. I used up 5 lbs of sugar, which made 75 bags of cotton candy. Luckily for me (but not for my thighs) there were leftovers.

Category: daily One comment »
October 6th, 2004 at 3:56 pm
HOLY COW! There was a carnival in your house!!
How in the HECK do you make cotton candy? Do you need a special machine? (for the sake of my thighs, say yes.)
Looks AWESOME (any single male family members you could hook me up with??)