yard work
A few weeks ago, we had a ridiculously windy day and our canopy over our back patio was destroyed. The wind snapped the metal and shredded the canvas cover. I’m so sad! We’ve spent SO many hours on the patio enjoying the shade and cover of the canopy.
Today we’re starting to rebuild the back yard. The poor yard has seen better days for sure. We just sort of let the dog have his run of it last year and now we have to work harder to restore it to it’s comfy, pretty self. We’re going to expand the patio out into the yard a bit and the decide whether we want to buy another canopy or build a more wind friendly arbor. I’m going to plant lots of flowers and my small vegetable garden again. I’ll probably do my usual salsa garden with peppers and tomatoes. And I’m definitely planting mint this year. mmmm, mojitos!
We also have to clean up the wood chip edging, it probably needs more of the weed barrier and a new layer of wood chips. At any rate we have lots of work to do, but I think it will be worth it.
Category: house 4 comments »
April 26th, 2008 at 11:26 am
I’ll hope to see some before and after pictures of your hard work! I always wish we had the gumption to do some proper landscaping, but sadly, Peter is not one for outdoor labor! I am even less so.
April 26th, 2008 at 12:55 pm
Do you have a particular variety of mint that you prefer for drinks and cooking? Some mints smell so much better than others but maybe it’s just the soil they are grown in?
April 27th, 2008 at 8:56 pm
Hi, this is my first time commenting but I’ve been visiting ever since you were on OhDeeDoh and I have to say your home is beautiful.
I would like to know if you plan on using a starter set for your vegetable like the Jiffy pots or what you’re choosing to start with?
Sorry about your yard, but hey now you have a blank slate and can use your imagination.
April 28th, 2008 at 1:06 pm
I planted mint in my herb garden and was glad I got this wonderful tip–consider planting it in submerged pots. It has a tendency to spread and could take over more space than you planned on.
Happy mojito sipping!