Dooce and Baby Dooce
Many of you know that I’m a Dooce addict. While she was in the hospital, I decided that I’d like to make her a scarf. Kind of a literal way to send her a hug. Anyway, I’ve finally finished it along with a hat for the very cute Leta.
Here they are

The pattern from the scarf was adapted from this pattern from Knitty. I used TLC Amore yarn in white, celery and plum. For the ruffles I used Lion Brand, Cotton Ease in black.
Now I just have to pack it up and mail it off. Maybe she’ll get it before Thanksgiving!
Category: knitting, projects 2 comments »
October 18th, 2004 at 5:45 pm
you’re a better write than you realize.
and i, too, love dooce.
and i love your knitting! can’t wait for the new whatchamacallit to show off more knitted goodies:)
November 2nd, 2004 at 9:09 am
and now you’re dooce-famous! :) i surfed in here off of her mention of you today… lovely scarf.