
I need to find an aluminum-free deodorant that actually works! Toms of Main was working a little bit but just not good enough. I only use deodorant because I’d rather sweat than loose my boobs to breast cancer. I found this recipe for homemade deodorant, but I need to find something to use until I have time to make it and/or if it turns out not to go on clear enough.


Category: gah! 11 comments »

11 Responses to “help!”

  1. Allisone

    adidas makes ones with cotton that is okay. Be careful which kind though – one has alum. one doesn’t.

    You can also mix baking soda, Vaseline, and talcum powder for a quickie fix.

  2. Brianne

    I just use the crystal rock in a spray version. It lasts forever and really works. I’m a huge fan.

  3. lorien

    I use weleda spray deodorant (it comes in a glass container).

  4. sarahgrace

    I use Winter Clean, unscented deodorant that I picked up at Vitamin Cottage. I think it works pretty well…but I’m not big sweat-er either…so I’m not sure. But Vitamin Cottage does have quite a few deodorants to choose from. :)

  5. Nichole D.

    I’m not quite there yet, but I’ve heard rave reviews about the crystal rock stuff.

  6. Morgan

    I have tried the crystal rock one after people on g* recommended it… I thought it worked really well the first day, but the other days I used it, I haven’t noticed a difference. Somebody told me you should wet the rock, rub it in your armpit, and smell it. If it smells BO-ish, rinse and do it again until it doesn’t. Even right after a shower it smelled, so I did it like four times than gave up… I want to try the spray kind. I also use Queen Helena’s Tee Tree Oil deodorant, and it works okay, but not great. I tried Trader Joe’s with cotton, and it was terrible. I haven’t been able to find the Adidas one (but I haven’t been looking very hard…). Somebody recommended a place on etsy that has homemade, vegan deodorant, but I haven’t tried it yet. I’m tired of being smelly.

  7. a

    I use the spray crystal and toms of maine together, mostly it works, some days I need to reapply.

  8. cher

    Are you looking for deoderant or anti-perspirement? Ususlly the aluminumn type ingredients have to do with the antiperspirant and we mistakenly thing deoderants are not working when we find ourselves sweating. If I am not making a presentation or having to be with professional people; I prefer to just let the old armpits breathe after a daily shower. It also helps a lot to wear only natural fabrics (cotton) as the synthetics do not breath and they pick up BO very badly.

  9. Erin

    Anti-perspirement is going to give me cancer? Good grief. I didn’t know that.

  10. Robin

    I just use baking soda, and that works better than any of the natural deo’s I’ve tried. I clean my pits with alcohol (rubbing, or vodka!) in between if I feel stinky.

  11. Sadie Rose

    I forgot about this blog. i love it – keep it coming!

    AND – i know the best, best, best deodorant for you. It’s called Lavilin. It is so amazing, and totally natural. the main ingredient is Zinc Oxide, i believe. I get it at my local health food store – they also have some similar brands that are not as expensive. it is worth it though. here is a link for starters. I highly recommend it!

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